Welcome to my blog in progress!

Who am I?

I am a mother with a passion for photography. I love everything about taking pictures. Whether it's seeing smiling faces, capturing that special moment in time or even uploading the pictures on to my computer I just love everything about it. It makes me happy. :o) (and I have 4 boys so there are lots of moments to capture around here!)

I am an optimist. I can't help it, it's just who I am. No matter what is happening in my life, I know that something good will come out of it somehow. It always does! The universe has a magical way of working things out.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I heart faces theme of the week? PETS!

I love this shot I got of our Sophie girl. I am not a dog person at all but this pup has captured my heart. She may look like a dog but in all honesty she thinks she is a cat. She is a faithful friend to our four boys and she desperately wants to pal around with our cats. A little shy at first once she gets to know you she loves your forever. She has become a family member for sure! Enjoy this picture of Sophie Jane!

Hop on over to i heart faces to check out more great entries!


  1. Adorable photo of your Sophie. Love her expression. :)

  2. Love the expression and the colors! Great shot :)

  3. i love this! We have a boxer too. They look like they could get along great :-) such a sweet sweet picture!

  4. She is too cute!! I love her expression and I love her name! :)


  5. Aww, Boxers are SO cute, and you're Sophie Jane is just gorgeous. Great capture thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh my gosh! This is one of the best I've seen so far! What an amazing photo! Great shot!!!

  7. great colors. She looks so serious! Nice shot.

  8. What a beautiful girl! Great shot. The colours are fabulous and the whole picture really looks like an ad.

    Erika B

  9. this is an amazing photo! i love the colors and her expression!

  10. What an awesome picture! I love boxers (my brother has one). They're so huge and clumsy (at least Buckley is) but so gentle.

  11. Love the colors, and our cat acts like a dog ha! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well!

  12. The expression is priceless, as if he knows he is posing for a picture.
