Welcome to my blog in progress!

Who am I?

I am a mother with a passion for photography. I love everything about taking pictures. Whether it's seeing smiling faces, capturing that special moment in time or even uploading the pictures on to my computer I just love everything about it. It makes me happy. :o) (and I have 4 boys so there are lots of moments to capture around here!)

I am an optimist. I can't help it, it's just who I am. No matter what is happening in my life, I know that something good will come out of it somehow. It always does! The universe has a magical way of working things out.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I heart faces theme of the week? PETS!

I love this shot I got of our Sophie girl. I am not a dog person at all but this pup has captured my heart. She may look like a dog but in all honesty she thinks she is a cat. She is a faithful friend to our four boys and she desperately wants to pal around with our cats. A little shy at first once she gets to know you she loves your forever. She has become a family member for sure! Enjoy this picture of Sophie Jane!

Hop on over to i heart faces to check out more great entries!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Baby Turns 2!


Did it really happen?  Did 2 years really pass already?  It’s been 2 years since I snuggled him for the first time, his warm newborn skin against my bare chest.  His sweet little cry when he needed something from me.   Now he is a big boy (most of the time).  He wants to keep up with his brothers and he wants to be independent.  We celebrated this milestone with family and friends in our backyard……

His favorite thing in the world is to play with a ball.  So….

He got lots..


and lots of them.


He had delicious cupcakes for his birthday.  He enjoyed every bite of BOTH cupcakes he ate!  One cupcake for each year. Hehe!  He wasn’t to sure of what to think about being the center of attention while we sang him happy birthday.  He was pretty sure it was cool but looked serious just in case. ;)

IMG_4818 IMG_4820 IMG_4822  IMG_4826IMG_4824 IMG_4825 


He did a great job blowing out his candle.  I think all the practice he got blowing out our candle while the power was out helper. ;)


He has a wonderful and special day. :D

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fix it Friday! Woohoo!

I really love the sunlight in this photo! So nice and warm feeling! Here is the original.....

Here is my take

First I cropped and rotated the picture.
Then I selected just him with the magnetic lasso
Next I used unsharp mask and adjusted the levels
Then I selected the inverse and applied a guassian blur to the background
Next I adjusted the brightness and the contrast of the whole photo
after that I increased the saturation everywhere but his face
and last but not least I picked the feature on PSE8 that adjusts the color to his skin tone.
that is pretty much what I did. Still extremely new to photoshop and have lots to learn! haha!

Don't forget to check out more great edits at www.iheartfaces.com

Sunday, June 13, 2010

All About Babies (i heart faces)

I love this weeks theme! What can make you happier than looking at a sweet baby smiling or sleeping peacefully. The picture I chose is a baby I have been photographing since she was a newborn and now she is 7 months already! We worked so hard for this shot but it turned out to be priceless! I got the camera ready, dad threw the hat on her head and brother stood behind me trying to get her attention. The next moment right after this the hat was off again! lol! She is so cute! So here she is.....

Check out more entries at iheartfaces !!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fix it Friday time!!

I am loving Fix it Friday! So fun to see everyones creativity with the same photo! You should go on over to www.iheartfaces.com to see lots more great entries!

Here is the original.....
Here is my version....

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fix it Friday

Here is my first attempt at entering a Fix it Friday photo on the website http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/ ! I love to look at what everyone else does and it's also so fun to play with someone else's photo. I used Photoshop Elements 8 to do this.


My version. :)