Welcome to my blog in progress!

Who am I?

I am a mother with a passion for photography. I love everything about taking pictures. Whether it's seeing smiling faces, capturing that special moment in time or even uploading the pictures on to my computer I just love everything about it. It makes me happy. :o) (and I have 4 boys so there are lots of moments to capture around here!)

I am an optimist. I can't help it, it's just who I am. No matter what is happening in my life, I know that something good will come out of it somehow. It always does! The universe has a magical way of working things out.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sometimes when you play with a toy enough, it starts to look like you. :)

      My boys LOVE legos.  I can't even tell you how many hours they have spent together building and imaging.  They like when I build with them but I can only make a rectangle and then when I touch anything made of lego's it seems to explode into 1,000 pieces, sigh.......
      The good news is that I am pretty good at taking pics of their projects they make and they love that!  My son Toby made this version of my son Avery one day and it was so funny! His imagination is priceless! Enjoy my collage and when you are done don't forget to go to I heart faces to see some more fun photo stories!


  1. Oh Mandi!! How precious...

    (I'm the mom of 5 sons, I know all about those Lego days!)

  2. Ha! This made me smile! The likeness is uncanny, no? And yes...this DOES tell a story (a familiar one of you've got boys!)
